Ohio LinuxFest 2015

This is a shout out to Ohio LinuxFest 2015.  On October 2-3, they will have their thirteenth annual gathering to talk all things Linux.  It takes place in Columbus Ohio at the downtown convention center.

The first time I attended was back in 2008.  It was free, so I made the 10 hour drive from NY to Ohio. It was worthwhile and I attended again in 2011, but as a “supporter” contributing $25 to the cause.  I learned much.

Last year, 2014, I had the nerve to attend as a speaker and gave a talk: “Stupid Shell Tricks”
On in 19 Minutes!
I had the after lunch sleepy crowd, and the organizers gave me the “big” room to fill.  At first, not many showed up and that made me nervous.
Crowd Trickles In
But as the start time neared, more people showed up, and well… that made me nervous too  (sorry for the blurry photo, but my hands were shaking).
Room Starts To Fill Up
My presentation and demos were driven off a raspberry pi with a Lego enclosure:
Raspberry Pi in Lego Enclosure
And once I started, I grew confident.  My secret weapon was my raspberry pi had something no other raspberry pi had: a sysadmin.
Sponge Bob Sysadmin!


Anonymous said…
Ohio Linux Fest is a software conference held every called expo also is a great opportunity for fresher. I also attend this conference when I uk assignment writing service and complete my degree great scholars came and address there many engineers display their projects.

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